Junkyard Days

We all have them. Days when we feel useless and broken. We are sad. We want to just stay in our pajamas and read or watch TV. We want to forget how we are not progressing on our “to-do” list and feel guilty.

Like today, for example. The weather is cloudy and cold. The clouds are gray and thick, not allowing the sunshine through. Gloomy. Housework needs to be done, and meals planned. Guess what? I do not care. I only feel like cleaning when it’s sunny. It’s no fun to plan meals that you cannot eat. Who am I kidding? It is NEVER fun to plan meals, especially when the people you cook for answer your question, “What do you want for dinner?” with one of three answers:
1. I don’t know, 2. I don’t care, or 3. Whatever.

Two can play that game. When he comes in from his shop and asks, “What’s for dinner?” I could give him one of the 3 answers and see how he likes it. That would be fun but, at the same time, in bad taste. I am trying hard to be gracious instead of sarcastic, to be kind and not snotty. In a nutshell – this is very difficult for me.

Let Me Introduce You to My Inner Child

Rest assured, long-time readers, that graciousness and kindness only extend to humans and their pets. I will write a sarcastic and snotty letter to the Utility company when warranted. It’s what I love to do. I just can’t help it. It’s not only Utility Companies and Government Agencies that force me to rant. I have been dealing with a situation in the past couple of weeks that you will soon hear about, I am sure.

I am too embroiled in it to take the time to rant today. Even though it is a particularly Junkyardy day.

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The Dental Saga: A Rant and Public Service Announcement

I got a thumbs-up from the surgeon yesterday! He said to keep doing what I was doing and see the other doc often. He prescribed 6 more pain pills (this translates into one day’s worth). California (and possibly other states) has this new database that tracks prescriptions written by doctors for patients getting pain meds. The surgeon said they will give him a “warning” if he doesn’t cut me off soon. What?!?

I was venting to my best friend (via email- still can’t really talk), and it occurred to me that I should copy/paste part of it for my Saga because I know my readers enjoy a good rant now and then.

What politician put this ridiculous database law into play? If you want to solve the opiate problem, don’t track patients getting legitimate meds. This will get you nothing. Go after the black-market dealers. They (meaning the government) always do this. Make a stupid law so people think they are trying to solve the problem, but the law does nothing except cause desperate people to hunt street drugs. I am a grandma. How many dealers do you think I know? None. Yet.

The dose I am prescribed does not do the job, not completely. It does keep me out of prison, however. I don’t know why someone would want to take this drug for “recreational” purposes. Tiny amounts certainly do not get you high. Personally, I do not want to be high. Just pain-free. I am a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen of this country. A country that develops and has the technology to provide effective pain blockers. So, why can’t I purchase any? Why am I tracked like a criminal and treated like a junkie?

The truth is, I am angry with the entire pharmaceutical situation. Let me explain…
My hubby has to take a drug with a brand name – very expensive. There is a generic form of this drug, but you cannot get it. His doctor prescribes the generic, but it is always substituted with the band name. Maybe you are a victim of this legal scam. A month’s worth (30 days) cost anywhere from $500 to $800. Your insurance can’t help you out because you are supposed to get the generic one in order for them to pay for it. He can get all the COVID vaccines he wants for free. I know I am not the only one seeing this injustice.

OK. I am done ranting. Now I am calm enough to think clearly and read one of my favorite scriptures from the Bible, which puts things into perspective for me. Yep. If you are not a Bible reader, try to stay with me here. I think you may be as surprised as I was that this is even in that 2,000-year-old book.

“But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves,  lovers of money, boastful,  haughty, blasphemers, disobedient, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” -2 Timothy 3:1-5

Does this sound a lot like how things are going these days? It does to me. If you want to read the words of Jesus on this subject, read Matthew 24: 3-14.

Some of you, my dear readers, may think I am on more drugs than I admit. It’s true that I don’t normally cite scriptures, but today is a very special day – the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s Death. You know, “Do this in remembrance of me?” At any Kindom Hall (all over the globe) will be the special annual celebration. If you did not receive an invitation, please know that all are invited to attend. More information can be found at: https://www.JW.org/

So, until I rant again – I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and evening.


Today’s Silliness

Opinionated Correspondence
Have you ever wanted to tell someone how you REALLY feel?  Ever wish you could rant like Dennis Miller?  Well, let’s do it!

Write a letter to a (company, product, retail store, restaurant, or health condition) that makes you want to scream.  No holds barred, tell it like it is – just watch the language, please.

 Please comment with a link to your letter, We all want to hear (read) your rant! 

  Oh, and if you found a great comedian, please let us in on them 

Take care and be safe out there,

  Jodi Lea